So, the question I decided to answer in this short podcast in this post is what is digitalisation and what I think it means, I specifically focused on how social media and t’s impact on the work industry. When I learnt about this in my lecture,  I had no idea what my lecturer was talking about, but later after some needed research, it started to become clearer. Social media, has definitely progressed in terms of being woven into work life, it is one of their main ways of communicating with others and providing information and this is all explained in the podcast.



One Reply to “”

  1. Such a great, concise breakdown! Love it! This is a topic I really enjoy engaging with as well.

    At some point in DIGC202, the follow up subject to this one, we discussed the wider implications of the Digital Age, and I think there are some elements of it that you’d find intriguing given the focus you chose here in your podcast. In particular, the impact of integrating digital technologies on workplaces spreads so much farther than just creating new job positions. Think about how email has altered the time and space of “working” so that we still have to have our brains switched to work mode even when we’ve come home, ready to problem solve or answer questions during times and spaces that used to be sanctioned off as personal. Think about how people are having to tread carefully with what they say on social media as potential employers may examine such things when deciding whether or not you should be hired. Think about the way retail businesses no longer have to stock according to popularity and available space (look up the long tail effect for more on this, it’s really cool).

    LOADS of stuff to look into in just this facet of what you’re talking about, and it kind of all comes back to that “medium is the message” theme. Not only has the medium of how we work been altered, but the way we think, talk, perform ‘working’ has changed right along with it, all because the message this medium sends is so totally different.

    Good stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

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